Labels for Transactions

This new functionality will allow you to improve productivity and gain better control over managing and analyzing your company’s transactions. 


How does it work?





After creating a label, is it possible to edit or delete it?

Yes. Only Accountants or Administrators have the ability to do so.


Can only Accountants and Administrators add labels to transactions?

All users can add labels, but only Accountants or Administrators can create labels. 


What happens if an account with an integrated ERP creates labels that do not exist in the ERP?

Currently, there is no connection between Clara and the ERP integrations. Data needs to be exported from Clara and manually imported into the ERP.


Can labels contain special characters?

Yes, except for “;”.


Is there a limit to the number of labels that can be created?

No, there is no restriction on the number of labels that can be created.

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