How to approve or reject a reimbursement?

Note: Only administrators or users authorized to the Reimbursement module can perform this action.


As an approver, you will receive notifications when a reimbursement request is pending approval. If you are responsible for approving reimbursement requests, follow these steps to approve or reject a request:

  • Review Request: Open the reimbursement details screen to view expense information; including the amount, status, date of expense, business, category, and a description of the expense.
    You can also view the applicant's information and the current status of other approvers.

  • Approve or Reject: Use the "Approve" or "Reject" buttons at the bottom of the screen. If you decline, we will ask you to provide a reason.
    For multiple requests, you can use the bulk action feature to approve or reject them all with a single click on the dashboard.

  • Approval Status: After selection, the reimbursement status will be updated. If approved, the request will move to the next approver or move to the payment stage.

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