How do I create a user?

On our platform, you can register all employees and partners of your company. This way, everyone has access to their own profiles, cards, and transactions.

To get started, only users with the role of Administrator or Manager can create new users.

  1. Access the Management menu and click on the Team tab;
  2. Then, click on the + Create user button;
  3. Fill in the user’s personal details (Full name, Email, and Phone);
  4. Select the user level (Administrator, Manager, Accountant, or Employee);
  5. Choose or create a new group;
  6. Choose or create a new location;
  7. Review all the information;
  8. Click on Create user.


Once completed, the created user will receive an account activation link at the registered email address.


Immediately after the user is created, it is possible to create a card in their name..

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