Invoices and Payments

Your definitive solution for payment and invoice reconciliation.


At Clara we know how important expense management is and that is why Clara continues to improve to offer you the best platform for controlling and viewing your company's expenses.


We present the Invoices module. In this module, you will be able to see all the invoices received that are in SAT for your company, and thereby simplify the accounts payable process.


This new invoice module will help you save time and money.

  • Comprehensive visibility: access, filter and manage all your invoices with ease, automatically integrating with the SAT to avoid manual work. Download rich data and consult historical records, obtaining detailed reports.
  • Efficient processing: Optimize your accounts payable in just a few clicks, integrating supplier/beneficiary data directly from invoices.
  • Proactive Control: Validate and track the payment status of invoices automatically and receive alerts for invoices paid with a Clara card. Prevent duplicate invoice payments, improving your financial control.


How does it work?

  1. Administrators can give access to their team members by going to Team → selecting your employee → Edit Role → Select Invoices.
  2. Employees with access will see a new module in the Management section in the main menu as Invoices.
  3. Now you can view the invoices issued by your suppliers in Clara, sort them and filter by issue and expiration date, download a report with detailed information and more.
  4. You can execute bulk actions such as sending them to pay using Domestic Payments, marking them as paid or archiving them.


Those invoices paid with a Clara card and that have an associated invoice in the Movements section, will be identified as paid in the Invoices module automatically.



Definition of payment statuses


  • To check
    This status is the one that appears by default on all invoices received from SAT issued by your suppliers.
  • Mark as Paid
    Refers to the action of changing the status from Review to Paid
    Here you can select the payment method you used, other than Clara Pagos.
  • Paid
    This status can have 3 origins:
  1. You paid using Clara National Payments and it was completed.
  2. The invoice was identified and associated with a Clara card transaction.
  3. You marked it as paid manually.

What roles have access to Invoices?

All users with the Administrator role have access by default. Later, they can provide access in the Users section when editing the role.

*For now the Accountant role does not have access to this module.

How often is the invoice updated?

Every 24 hours.

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